1. Kongruens

Skriv den korrekte nutidsform af udsagnsordene i parentes.

1. The purpose of these exercises (to be) obvious.

2. The boy, whose parents (to be) teachers, (to want) to become an engineer.

3. Everybody (to like) a good story.

4. The butler and the maid (to have) lived in the house for 10 years.

5. Either the butler or the maid (to have) murdered the professor.

6. Which of the two books (to look) most interesting?

7. There (to be) several mistakes in this essay.

8. The police (to have) a difficult job keeping order.

9. (To do) you think my glasses, which I always (to leave) lying about, (to have) finally disappeared for good?

10. Lots of food (to be) needed to feed the starving people.

11. Not only her mother but her sisters and brothers (to be) missing.

12. A large number of houses (to be) for sale.

13. Neither the boy nor the girl (to have) written the essay.

14. Some (to be) wise and some (to be) otherwise.

15. People (to say) he ought to be punished for the crime.

16. The meaning of the new laws (to seem) difficult for the public to understand.

17. The terrorists' victim (to appear) to have survived his ordeal.

18. His family (to have) all turned against him.

19. Public opinion about the Prime Minister's abilities (to appear) to have changed since the general election.

20. My money (to have) been stolen.


© 2014 Forlaget Andrico og forfatterne: Clara Ehrenreich, Astrid Holm, Bodil Riis og Jette Steensen                  |                 ISBN 9788791205118