1. Kongruens

Find udsagnsled (verb) og grundled (subject) i den engelske tekst.

John is a bright, young man, who wants to become a doctor. In order to afford going to university he has to make money during his holidays.

This summer he is lucky enough to find two jobs: In the daytime he works at a butcher's shop, where he learns to cut up meat and sell it to the customers who come to the shop. He becomes so good that the butcher often leaves him to do all the serving, while he goes into a room behind the shop to do the accounts.

In the evening John works at the local hospital, where he does simple jobs like helping to carry patients from one part of the hospital to the other. Both at the butcher's shop and at the hospital they give him white clothes to wear.

One evening at the hospital John helps carry a woman from her bed to the room where she is to have an operation. She is already terribly nervous at the thought of the operation, but when she sees John in his white clothes coming into her room, that is too much for her.

"No! No!" she cries. "Not my butcher! I don't want to be operated on by my butcher!" - and she faints with fear.